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Research into Orpea shows half billion dollars in workers' money lost
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) decision to invest in ORPEA care group, which collapsed following major sca...
The Privatisation Playbook
This factbook provides detailed statistics, research and quotes from around the world to illustrate the impact of increa...
Collective bargaining in Central and Eastern Europe’s care sectors
The report provides an analysis of the care sector across the region, where workers face precarious conditions, low wage...
El derecho a cuidar, ser cuidado y al autocuidado
Edición Nº137 del newsletter de la Secretaría de Género e Igualdad de Oportunidades y Trato del SGBATOS
Social Media Action kit for #PandemicTreaty action
The World Health Organization (WHO) is spearheading the development of a global agreement, known as the Pandemic Treaty,...
Briefing on ILO Decent Work for Nursing Personnel Report
PSI Briefing for affilaites outlining our engagement and outcomes of the ILO Committee of Exports report on Securing dec...