#Care Manifesto: Rebuilding the social organisation of care
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The Crisis in Long Term Care - Effects of Private Provision
This report outlines the failures of privatisation in the care sector across the world as well as potential for resistin...
Care Givers and Takers - How finance extracts wealth from the care sector
This report, authoured by renowned journalist Nicholas Shaxson, examines case studies of financialisation in the care se...
ORPEA: Caring for People or for Profit (CICTAR)
The Center for International Corporate Tax Accountability and Research has worked with France’s two largest unions Fédér...
The Social Organisation of Care: A Global Snapshot
PSI has commissioned a study that focuses on the state of care arrangements in different countries around the world that...
The impact of Covid-19 on health and care workers: a closer look at deaths
Based on the International Labour Organization’s estimated number of 135 million HCWs employed in human health and socia...