#Care Manifesto: Rebuilding the social organisation of care
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Ensuring Unionisation of Migrant Health Workers
Kate Lappin, Regional Secretary of PSI Asia Pacific, spoke about the rights ...
Margarita López - SINTRACUAVALLE, Colombia
At the recent Global Alliance for Tax Justice event “Framing Feminist Taxati...
Pascale Lofredi, CFDT [Interview]
Pascale Lofredi, CDFT Fédération Finance CFDT, France raconte l'entretien av...
Pascale Lofredi [Full FR]
Pascale Lofredi, CDFT Fédération Finance CFDT, France raconte l'entretien av...
Nayeli Fernandez - Mexico
Dr Nayeli Fernandez, from PSI affiliate in Mexico, Sindicato Nacional de Tra...
The Buenos Aires Commitment and its contribution to multilateralism
Verónica Montúfar, PSI Equalities officer spoke at a side event to the UNCSW...
Gender equality, human rights and right to care
PSI co-sponsored a parallel event to the UNCSW67 with OXFAM on “Gender Equal...