
Showing 7 publications

Public Services in the Crosshairs: The impacts of the investment protection regime on the sector in Latin America

The report, produced by the Transnational Institute (TNI), coordinated by Public Services International (PSI) and funded...

Publicación de la ISP detalla la sentencia de la Corte Interamericana sobre el derecho a la huelga en Guatemala

  • es

La Internacional de Servicios Públicos (ISP) lanza el documento “Derecho de huelga de las personas trabajadoras del sect...

Diversity of practices in social dialogue in the public service in selected African countries

  • en

This ILO working paper on the 'Diversity of practices in social dialogue in the public service in selected African countries' was published in April 2022.

Municipal solid waste management services in Latin America

  • en

This report is the first of a series of reports which are part of a research project on global waste services which PSI ...

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