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External news
View All External Articles →Demonstration against the austerity and privatization policies
Public sector and private sector workers held a demonstration in Quito again...
Ecuador and Dubai signed the first contract of a Public-Private Partnership
On 6 June, Ecuador and Dubai signed the first contract of a Public-Private P...
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Ecuador earthquake: Solidarity call for aid
Following the devastating earthquake that took place in Ecuador on 16 April, PSI is calling on all affiliates to donate to the PSI Ecuador Relief Fund. The fund...
Apr 26, 2016Publications
View all publications →ISP alerta sobre privatización de la seguridad social en Ecuador
Preocupados con las reformas a la Seguridad Social anunciadas por el gobierno ecuatoriano, la Internacional de Servicios...
Show all multimedia →Encuesta sobre trabajar en pandemia en el Sector Público de América Latina
Aug 21, 2020El propósito de la encuesta es conocer las condiciones en que se desempeñan trabajadores y trabajadoras de los servicios...