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View All External Articles →- #Uganda
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- #National Union of Government & Allied Workers
- #Uganda Local Government Workers' Union
- #Uganda Medical Workers' Union
- #Gender Equality and Equity
- #Ratify ILO Convention C190 on the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work
Workers' leaders, women activists call for ratification of ILO C190
The Public Service Internet international (PSI), women activists and differe...
Fears raised about cost of PPP hospital in Uganda
The Uganda Debt Network has raised concerns about the financing of a Public-...
Lubowa hospital: Uganda should learn from the Lesotho experience
Salima Namusobya, executive director of the Initiative for Social and Econom...
When Electricity Means Life
Primah Kwagala of the Center for Health, Human Rights and Development in Uga...
Take action now!
Stand Up for LGBTI Workers in Uganda: Stop the new anti-LGBTI law!
Uganda’s parliament has passed a cruel new anti-LGBTI law that further criminalises LGBTI people and civil society and public health advocates.
Mar 23, 2023Campaign initiated by
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Sara Bell May 27
Anonymous signature May 16
Raina Bhattacharya Apr 26
Stand up for LGBTI Workers in Uganda: Stop the new anti-LGBTI law!
Let President Yoweri Museveni and Ugandan parliamentarians know that workers and trade unions stand in solidarity with Uganda's LGBTI community.
Naadira MunshiPSI South Africa
almost 2 years agoAnonymous signature
almost 2 years agoAna María Tenorio Sepúlveda Chile
almost 2 years agoAnonymous signature
almost 2 years agoAnonymous signature
almost 2 years agoToni Martí TorresLa llave del armario Spain
almost 2 years agoToni Marti TorresLa llave del armario Spain
almost 2 years agoGraciela Masiano Spain
almost 2 years agoAnonymous signature
almost 2 years agoHeidi SchweitzerLAK ver.di Hessen Germany
almost 2 years agoJocelioPSI Brazil
almost 2 years agoAnonymous signature
almost 2 years agoMarcos Ismael Mejía Mejia Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Medicina, Hospitales y Similares en Honduras. Honduras
almost 2 years agoAnonymous signature
almost 2 years agoOuattara epouse Nguessan Tiekhou Antoinette Syndicat National des Sages-Femmes Ivoiriennes (SYNSFI) Côte d'Ivoire
almost 2 years agoJeryn DalyNational Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) Canada
almost 2 years agoTeresa Conrow United States
almost 2 years agoGabriela FigueroaAsociación del personal de la Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina
almost 2 years agomarcos vargasconfusam chile Chile
almost 2 years agoHuma HaqHuma Haq United Kingdom
almost 2 years agoMitchell CoeUNISON United Kingdom
almost 2 years agoMariano ReyPoder Legislativo Argentina Argentina
almost 2 years agoDOUGLAS STUSC Guatemala
almost 2 years agoGustavo Jaramillo Valencia Propia Colombia
almost 2 years agoFelipe Canales MarchantSII Chile
almost 2 years agoMaria Pfannl Paraguay
almost 2 years agoJosé Antonio Núñez Murillo SITRAMEDHYS Honduras
almost 2 years agoAnonymous signature
almost 2 years agoAnonymous signature
almost 2 years agoJames CavalluzzoPublic Services International France
almost 2 years ago
Show all multimedia →Persons with Disabilities - Geofrey Musanje
Dec 1, 2023Congress ratified PSI’s commitment to build respect and dignity for all, including persons with disabilities. During the...
Mbale City’s garbage has gone uncollected for weeks
Dec 15, 2022Leaders in Mbale city have been urged to quickly come up with a solution to address the growing garbage problem within t...