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View All External Articles →Long term legislative measures are needed to prevent water privatization
Morena senator and upper house speaker Martí Batres says long term legislati...
Students have produced a video about neoliberalism in the water sector
Students in water management and governance have produced a video about neol...
"Mexico should contemplate the partial privatization of Pemex"
With its debt growing, the president of Bursamétrica, Ernesto O'Farril, says...
The Bishop of the Diocese of Saltillo: a private company has overexploited the aquifer
The Bishop of the Diocese of Saltillo, Raúl Vera López, opposes the building...
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Libertad para Víctor Licona Cervantes ya
Una campaña de LabourStart en colaboración con el Sindicato Único de Trabajadores al Servicio Poder Ejecutivo del Estado de Hidalgo – SUTSPEEH y la Confederació...
Aug 8, 2023Publications
View all publications →Challenges for a feminist trade union agenda in Latina America
Countries in the region are developing recovery plans in the wake of the worst of the COVID-19 crisis. The care agenda m...
Show all multimedia →Víctor Licona Cervantes, SUTSPEEH-FESTEM, México
Mar 26, 2024Victor Licona, Secretario General de la FESTEM-Mexico y del Sindicato Único de Trabajadores al Servicio Poder Ejecutivo ...
Nayeli Fernandez - Mexico (2)
Mar 20, 2024Dr Nayeli Fernandez, from PSI affiliate in Mexico, Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores del Seguro Social (the Mexican Nat...
Nayeli Fernandez - Mexico
Mar 20, 2024Dr Nayeli Fernandez, from PSI affiliate in Mexico, Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores del Seguro Social (the Mexican Nat...