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External news
View All External Articles →Private equity in healthcare – PESP’s January 2024 roundup
Each month, PESP’s Healthcare Team is putting together a roundup that shares...
Toilet to Tap: Pennsylvania seeing feeding frenzy of sales of public water/sewer systems
Pennsylvania's Act 12 has spurred a surge in the sale of public water and se...
Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen calls for urgent external regulation
Ex-employee tells UK MPs Mark Zuckerberg ‘has unilateral control over 3bn people’ due to his position
Case studies
All case studies →Countries provide welfare and administrative services for asylum seekers and refugees but increasingly, these, like other public services, have been subject to ...
Privatisation of services for asylum seekers, refugees and migrants - USA
Show all multimedia →Bill Gates: Provide Quarantine Pay
Sep 17, 2020The Teamsters produced a new video to show how buybacks help billionaires and CEOs, and are rolling it out with a petiti...
Private Prisons: Investment Risks
Apr 9, 2019The American Federation of Teacher have produced a report on two major privateers: Core Civic and GEO Group. These corpo...
The Privatization Playbook
May 22, 2017Eye on Privatization releases “The Privatization Playbook,” a short video on how private interests impact vital public s...