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No to Austerity!

Nov 19, 2011

Public services and public service workers are under pressure in almost all European countries with austerity measures affecting EPSU members directly. Collective bargaining, the autonomy of the social partners and social dialogue are under attack in many countries in the Euro-zone, in the EU and in other European countries.

The EPSU Executive has decided to call its affiliates to mobilise across the European continent during the week of November 30th. On that day many trade unions from different countries will strike, demonstrate, picket, leaflet and publicise the struggle and demands of public sector workers of Europe.

The call was made to coincide with the British public sector all-out strike and with the 15th Greek General strike. But it also coincides with a week of mobilisation against austerity and privatisation in Italy and with a campaign of mobilisation in Portugal that has seen more than 200.000 public sector workers demonstrate on November 12th and the second General Strike on November 24th in a year.

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