Fresenius Global Union Alliance - GLOBAL SOLIDARITY DAY
Feb 23, 2022
The Fresenius Global Union Alliance was launched in 2019. The Alliance brings together more than 50 trade unions from all over the world. The aim is a global framework agreement with Fresenius covering 280.000 workers in 100 countries. The alliance believes that trade union cooperation on a global level will improve working conditions and care quality in Fresenius’ operations worldwide.
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The Fresenius Global Union Alliance has launched a global solidarity campaign on the LabourStart platform. Please sign and share this important campaign today.
Every time someone participates in this campaign, Fresenius and Quironsalud managers in Germany, Spain and Colombia receive an email in their inbox.
A GLOBAL SOLIDARITY DAY will take place on February 23rd. We need your participation to raise awareness via social media and support our sisters and brothers.
Please find photos, ideas for tweets / posts and hashtags below in English, German and Spanish.
Join @uniglobalunion, @PSIglobalunion, @IndustriALL_GU and @FreseniusWatch to participate in the @labourstart campaign to end #deaththreats against #unionists #SilenceIsDangerous #DueDiligence https://www.labourstartcampaigns.net/show_campaign.cgi?c=5053
@Fresenius and subsidiary #Quironsalud refuse to publicly condemn #deaththreats against trade unionists in #Colombia. Support Julian and Claudia by signing and sharing our campaign https://www.labourstartcampaigns.net/show_campaign.cgi?c=5053 #SilenceIsDangerous
Today the @EU_Commission publishes its proposal on #SustainableCorporateGovernance. We demand: #Corporations must take global #responsibility for their actions. #SilenceIsDangerous #DueDiligence
#SustainableCorporateGovernance means condemning #deaththreats against employees and protecting them and their families, @Fresenius. #SilenceIsDangerous #DueDiligence #HumanRights https://www.labourstartcampaigns.net/show_campaign.cgi?c=5053
In 2021, 145 #activists were murdered in #Colombia. It is one of the most dangerous countries for trade #unionists – yet #Fresenius doesn't take #deaththreats seriously. We call on @Fresenius to publicly condemn the threats and ensure workers' safety! #SilenceIsDangerous
Julian worked at #Quironsalud – a @Fresenius subsidiary – in #Colombia and was active in the #union. Then he received death threats, left his family behind, and fled to Spain. See his story here https://www.labourstartcampaigns.net/show_campaign.cgi?c=5053 #SilenceIsDangerous
Companies that are active in business globally must assume #responsibility globally! However, #Fresenius refuses to publicly condemn #deaththreats against its own employees and to ensure their #safety #SilenceIsDangerous #DueDiligence
We call on @Fresenius to take #responsibility! Two Fresenius employees and trade #unionists received #deaththreats – #Fresenius remains silent. Show your solidarity with Julian and Claudia! Sign and share this campaign today! https://www.labourstartcampaigns.net/show_campaign.cgi?c=5053 #SilenceIsDangerous

Unterschreibe jetzt die gemeinsame Kampagne von @labourstart, @uniglobalunion, @PSIglobalunion, @IndustriALL_GU und @FreseniusWatch und setze ein Zeichen gegen #Morddrohungen an #Gewerkschaftern. #SilenceIsDangerous #DueDiligence https://www.labourstartcampaigns.net/show_campaign.cgi?c=5061
@Fresenius und Tochtergesellschaft #Quironsalud weigern sich, #Morddrohungen gegen Gewerkschafter in Kolumbien öffentlich zu verurteilen. Unterstützt Julian und Claudia, in dem ihr unsere Kampagne unterschreibt und teilt https://www.labourstartcampaigns.net/show_campaign.cgi?c=5061 #SilenceIsDangerous
Heute veröffentlicht die @EU_Commission ihren Vorschlag zur #SustainableCorporateGovernance Initiative. Wir fordern: #Unternehmen müssen global #Verantwortung für Ihr Handeln übernehmen. #SilenceIsDangerous #DueDiligence
#SustainableCorporateGovernance heißt auch #Morddrohungen an Beschäftigten zu verurteilen und Mitarbeitende und ihre Familien zu schützen, @Fresenius. #SilenceIsDangerous #DueDiligence #HumanRights Hier findet ihr unsere aktuelle Kampagne https://www.labourstartcampaigns.net/show_campaign.cgi?c=5061
2021 wurden 145 Aktivisten in Kolumbien ermordet. Es ist eines der gefährlichsten Länder für Gewerkschafter – doch #Fresenius nimmt die #Morddrohungen nicht ernst. Wir fordern @Fresenius auf sich zu äußern und die Sicherheit der Beschäftigten zu gewährleisten! #SilenceIsDangerous
Julian arbeitete bei #Quironsalud – einem Tochterunternehmen von @Fresenius – in #Kolumbien und engagierte sich in der #Gewerkschaft. Dann erhielt er Morddrohungen, ließ seine Familie zurück und floh nach Spanien. Seht hier seine Geschichte https://www.labourstartcampaigns.net/show_campaign.cgi?c=5061 #SilenceIsDangerous
Unternehmen, die weltweit tätig sind, müssen auch weltweit #Verantwortung übernehmen! #Fresenius weigert sich jedoch, #Morddrohungen gegen die eigenen Beschäftigten öffentlich zu verurteilen und die #Sicherheit der Betroffenen zu gewährleisten. #SilenceIsDangerous
Wir fordern @Fresenius dazu auf #Verantwortung zu übernehmen! Zwei Fresenius-Mitarbeitende und Gewerkschafter erhielten #Morddrohungen – #Fresenius schweigt. Helft mit, zeigt Euch solidarisch mit Julian und Claudia und unterschreibt die Kampagne: https://www.labourstartcampaigns.net/show_campaign.cgi?c=5061

Únase a @uniglobalunion, @PSIglobalunion, @IndustriALL_GU y @FreseniusWatch para participar en la campaña de @labourstart para poner fin a las amenazas de muerte contra lxs sindicalistas #Fresenius #ElSilencioEsPeligroso https://www.labourstartcampaigns.net/show_campaign.cgi?c=5053
La empresa @Fresenius y su filial @Quironsalud se niegan a condenar públicamente las amenazas de muerte contra sindicalistas en #Colombia. Apoya a Julián y Claudia firmando y compartiendo nuestra campaña https://www.labourstartcampaigns.net/show_campaign.cgi?c=5053 #SilenceIsDangerous
En 2021, 145 activistas fueron asesinadxs en Colombia, uno de los países más peligrosos para lxs sindicalistas, pero @Fresenius no se toma en serio las amenazas de muerte. ¡Hacemos un llamado a Fresenius para condenar públicamente las amenazas y garantizar la seguridad!
Julián trabajaba en @Quironsalud, una subsidiaria de @Fresenius, en #Colombia y era miembro activo del sindicato. Luego recibió amenazas de muerte, dejó atrás a su familia y tuvo que irse del país. Vea su historia aquí https://www.labourstartcampaigns.net/show_campaign.cgi?c=5053 #SilenceIsDangerous https://we.tl/t-9vQi9U92xn
¡Las empresas que activas en los negocios a nivel mundial deben asumir su responsabilidad en todo el mundo! Sin embargo @Fresenius se niega a condenar públicamente las amenazas de muerte contra sus propios empleadxs y a velar por su seguridad #ElSilencioEsPeligroso

Take Action
End Death Threats against Fresenius Union Representatives in Colombia
When workers at the German multinational Fresenius in Colombia organized tra...
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Both Julian and Claudia have requested that their German employer publicly denounce these and all similar threats. Fresenius & Quironsalud have ignored or denied repeated official requests made in Colombia, Spain and Germany.
Join Claudia, Julian, PSI, UNI Global Union, IndustriALL and the Fresenius Global Union Alliance in the call to demand that Fresenius immediately and unconditionally denounce these and any other similar threats against their workers and negotiate in good faith with Fresenius workers’ elected trade union representatives.
Please see Julian’s comments in this video:
Fresenius, a global healthcare and medical technology group, is working with double standards: At its headquarters in Germany, under the umbrella of German legislation and pressure from trade unions, Fresenius strives to comply with high quality standards and laws. Abroad, on the other hand, Fresenius chooses the conditions that above all maximize profits – at the expense of customers, patients, workers and the state. There are examples of corruption, bribery and tax trickery, as well as fighting workers’ rights and health and safety concerns during the coronavirus pandemic.
Take action